Category: News

Communicate the value of AI to your boss is not easy, here a guide. First understand their knowledge level on the subject. Explain AI in simple terms, using examples like voice assistants and recommendation systems. Highlight its benefits, such as process optimization, efficiency improvement, and decision-making support. To implement AI, identify specific needs, assess current challenges, and consider partnering with reliable external experts. Inspire change through clear communication, empathy, and strategic thinking.
Generative AI is a promising advancement in the field of AI, focusing on creating new content that is indistinguishable from that produced by humans. Powered by GANs, generative AI has the potential to deliver significant economic benefits across industries. In the energy and utilities sector, generative AI can optimize performance, stimulate innovation, and improve customer interaction.
The global workforce of the 21st century is undergoing an unprecedented period of transformation. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now at the core of our daily lives, influencing how we shop, communicate, and the nature of the work we do.
Solar energy and AI: from panels to digital services
In a world where climate change and environmental degradation are escalating, and geopolitical issues shift unpredictably, the concept of ecological transition gains prominence. This transformative process, shaping public discourse and international policies, warrants exploration to grasp its full meaning and significance.
Many contemporary businesses are driven by knowledge. They base their operations, the products and services they offer, and, ultimately, their success on the competencies they possess and continuously acquire, validate, and update.
The constant growth of traffic and the need for more sophisticated and numerous devices make the management of telecommunications networks increasingly complex and costly. The rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) becomes crucial in telecommunications to support networks and customers on a large scale.
In the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the spotlight often gravitates towards Large Language Models (LLMs), chatbots, and Generative AI. However, the scope of AI extends far beyond these applications, encompassing invaluable techniques like machine learning, deep learning, and predictive modeling.
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of various ecosystems. Despite its widespread adoption, there remains a challenge in fully harnessing its potential and enhancing its performance.
A few years ago, during the same period when I delved deeply into the realm of AI, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives also appeared on my radar as compelling emerging topics. It became apparent rather quickly that this was no mere coincidence

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