McKinsey Tech Report 2024: Generative AI at the Center of New Tech Trends

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Mckinsey’s new report “Technology Trends Outlook 2024” is out, and this year an entire chapter has been dedicated to generative AI. In the study, McKinsey goes into generative AI applications and emerging trends by outlining how this technology is being leveraged to drive innovation and growth in the business world.

Let’s take a look at the most important insights together:

The potential economic impact of generative AI.

The potential economic impact of generative AI will be increasingly significant, with estimates suggesting an annual value of between $2.6 trillion and $4.4 trillion. This technology is set to revolutionize various industries, including customer service, advertising, drug discovery, and more. By 2023, investments in generative AI reached 36 billion and there is an increase in demand for experienced talent in Gen AI from 2022 to 2023-in fact, job postings in this field grew by 111%.

The world of generative AI is evolving at a dizzying pace. According to the report, the most promising innovations are:

  1. Multimodal generative models: The future points toward AI models capable of processing and generating output across various data formats such as text, images, sound, and video, expanding its applications across different domains and functions.
  2. Open-source: Powerful open-source models are challenging their closed-source counterparts regarding performance and developer adoption. This momentum is fueled by the enthusiasm of developers and users who welcome access to building innovative tools and studying complex systems.
  3. Expanding contextual windows: Advances like those in Google’s Gemini 1.5 Pro enable two-million-token dialog contexts, allowing for much longer and more nuanced prompts and thus achieving increasingly consistent and contextually relevant AI responses.
  4. LLMs increasingly integrated into various business tools: This surge is fueled by growing demand for automation, efficiency, personalized user experiences, and the ability to decipher complex patterns that can lead to actionable insights.
  5. Multiagent Approach: This approach leverages the capabilities of several specialized AI models working together to solve complex problems, providing a more complete and efficient solution than single models.

Adoption and value creation

Generative AI adoption is experiencing a surge, with 65 percent of organizations reporting regular use in at least one business function, a substantial increase from the previous year. The technology, media, and telecommunications industries have emerged as leaders in implementing generative AI.

According to the study, successful implementation requires companies to take a strategic approach that considers several crucial dimensions:

  • Risk mitigation: Addressing cybersecurity and privacy concerns by implementing robust data protection measures and mitigating potential risks such as data leakage and deepfakes.
  • Operational Model Adaptation: Adapt operational processes and structures to effectively integrate and leverage the capabilities of generative AI.
  • Talent acquisition and development: Acquire and cultivate talent with expertise in AI and related fields to support the development, implementation, and management of generative AI solutions.
  • Technology Capacity Building: Invest in and develop a technology infrastructure and capabilities needed to support generative AI applications, including data management systems, adequate computing power as well as AI-specific tools.

Real-world applications

Several companies are actively implementing generative AI to drive innovation and efficiency, these are the use cases featured in the report:

ING, developed a customer chatbot powered by generative AI, improving customer service and reducing wait times.

Recursion, a biotechnology company, uses a generative AI platform to accelerate drug discovery by processing large biological and chemical datasets.

Itaú Unibanco, a bank, created an advertising campaign using AI-generated images based on conversations with real people, demonstrating the potential of AI in media advertising.

Future Perspectives

Generative AI is set to grow and integrate further into various aspects of business and daily life, so many points to keep under the magnifying glass, however:

  1. The evolution of model creation costs and competitive dynamics.
  2. The monetization and growth of corporate adoption.
  3. The development of the market in terms of open-source versus closed-source solutions.
  4. Strategies for managing data privacy, security, fairness, compliance, and copyright protection risks.
  5. The impact on the workforce and the nature of work.


McKinsey’s “Technology Trends Outlook 2024” report highlights how generative AI is rapidly transforming the global technology and economic landscape. The massive investments, increased demand for talent, and economic potential stimulated by this technology demonstrate its crucial role in shaping the future. Looking ahead, it is clear that generative AI will continue to evolve and integrate into various aspects of business and daily life.

With proper management and strategy, generative AI promises to deliver significant innovations and create value at scale, opening new frontiers for technological and economic progress.

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