Autore: Diego Arnone

Vi siete mai imbattuti in un video sui social media che ritraeva una celebrità in uno scenario bizzarro, per poi scoprire che non era reale? O forse vi siete dilettati con una delle...

L'intelligenza artificiale (AI) è diventata una forza di trasformazione in diversi settori industriali, e il settore bancario non fa eccezione. Il settore bancario è stato uno dei primi a investire nell'IA...

L'avvento dell'Intelligenza Artificiale (IA) sta rimodellando il panorama aziendale con una velocità e una portata senza precedenti, un fenomeno che il famoso economista Joseph Schumpeter avrebbe probabilmente definito "distruzione creativa" con...

Generating and stimulating knowledge means creating value in the rapidly evolving business landscape. However, the power of knowledge is not inherent in its acquisition alone, but also in its effective

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, sustainability has become a critical focus for organizations worldwide. As the global community grapples with pressing environmental challenges, the need for businesses to prioritize

Imagine cities where energy, water, and waste are managed with utmost efficiency, where pollution is minimal, traffic congestion is a thing of the past, and everything is on a human

AI systems are now part of our daily lives, with hundreds of tools available. However, many of them do not work as expected, and we end up spending more time

The agricultural sector, the beating heart of our economy, is facing unprecedented challenges. Crops, subject to the whimsical variations of the climate and the rigid laws of seasonality, are now

In the fast-paced world of modern business, the ability to make informed, strategic decisions quickly is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity. AI-enhanced knowledge management is an innovation in

Climate change, sustainability, green economy, and circular economy are all terms that we have fortunately become familiar with in recent years. The effects of pollution are increasingly evident, and institutions

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